Happy Holiday? Do You Take Time Off From Your Business?
December 24th, 2009 | Small Business,Small Business Tips | No Comments »This week, my parents are doing something that they never do…travel to my house for the holidays. As far as I can recall, I have always traveled back home (balmy Minnesota) to see them. This has been true for the past 15 years. This year, we convinced them to come out.
Why the drought of visits. Is it because they don’t like me? Of course not. Why? Did you hear something? No the real reason is because 25 years ago, my Dad quit his corporate job to start his own business. He doesn’t have a lot of help running the business, so almost every holiday season, he didn’t have time to get away. As he would say, “the longer I’m away, the more work I have waiting for me when I return.” The Wall Street Journal just touched on the same issue, giving a guide to small business owners on “How to Take a Vacation“. The advice is solid (the best has to be “Accept the Fact that You’ll Lose Money”).
Since we all have day jobs, and our nights and weekends are dedicated to KikScore, I’m getting a sense that it may be quite sometime before I start doing a lot of personal travel during the holiday season. Just as sure as I’m going bald like my Dad, I’m inheriting his work schedule. And I’m not alone (with regard to the work schedule…I mean I’m also not alone on being bald). Simply searching “Small Business Vacation 2009” reveals a wide variety of blog postings about small business owners talking about the difficulty in taking time off. Here’s a good one from Newsweek.
So, are you taking time off this holiday? Any plans for a 2010 get-away? Can I go with you?