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Posts Tagged ‘social commerce camp’

Send Us Your Questions For Social Commerce Camp DC

Friday, February 19th, 2010

As many of you know tomorrow  KikScore, Network Solutions, and MyBusinessAssistant.com will be putting on a first of its kind event in Washington DC from 8am-noon called Social Commerce Camp DC.  As we mentioned before this first time FREE event is getting some serious buzz with the recent coverage in Techcocktail and the Washington Examiner.  It has also been covered on multiple blogs including WomenGrowBusiness and GrowSmartBusiness. We are excited to announce that the event is now completely SOLD OUT!  Thanks to the more than 100 small businesses, social media enthusiasts and online sellers that have signed up.

Since this event is more about the participants than the organizers, sponsors and the speakers we want to know what are your questions that you would like covered during the morning sessions.  Please leave us your thoughts and questions in our comments section below.  We will make sure they get them to Shashi B, Shonali Burke and Steve Fisher.  Or find us on Twitter at @kikscore, @shashib@shonali or @stevenfisher.

If you have any questions about the agenda for tomorrow’s Social Commerce Camp DC, please visit the event page we set up.

On behalf of the organizers, sponsors and everyone else involved with pulling Social Commerce Camp DC together we want to convey our thanks to the community as we prepare for tomorrow’s event!  Bring your questions and get ready to participate and network.

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Posts Tagged ‘social commerce camp’

Top 5 (and a half) Reasons You Should Attend the Social Commerce Camp

Thursday, February 4th, 2010

steven segalDo you love lists?  Do you want to learn more about the Social Commerce Camp (February 20th) in D.C.?  Do you wish Steven Segal would do another Hard to Kill movie (not related to this post, but I really miss those awesome Steven Segal movies).  Well do I have something for you…here are the Top Five (and a half) reasons you need to come to the Social Commerce Camp (sponsored by Network Solutions, Mayer Brown, KikScore and MyBusinessAssistant):

5.  Learn the Social Commerce landscape and trends from Shashi B. — a top mover and shaker in D.C.’s tech community (and social guru for Network Solutions);

4.  Let Steven Fisher walk you through how to set up website for your business — and ask him about his movie (at www.browncoatsmovie.com)

3.  Wondering how to get some positive publicity?  That’s Shonali Burke’s specialty, as she’s a  leadingPR professional and editor of WomenGrowBusiness.com 

2. Did we mention free breakfast pastries and coffee?

1.  Network with similarly minded small business owners looking to  tap into social commerce to start and/or grow their business. 

1A.  Sign a petition to Steven Segal and implore him to begin working on a new karate movie.

Looking forward to seeing you at the Social Commerce Camp — I know it’s a Saturday morning, but if you stay up all night, it will feel like the middle of the afternoon.

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