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Posts Tagged ‘July 4th’

Small Business Community – Remember to Celebrate Your Freedom This Weekend!

Friday, July 1st, 2011

Every Fourth of July, millions of Americans celebrate Independence Day with picnics, parades, barbecues, concerts, carnivals, and other extravagant public and private events, all being capped off with fireworks. While everyone loves the holiday, enjoying their time off from work and spending time with family and friends, we should not forget the importance of the holiday and our freedom.

On the historic date of July 4, 1776, the United States Congress officially approved and adopted the Declaration of Independence, the document that our founding fathers used to declare their colonies’ independence from Great Britain. In doing so, the Declaration listed the grievances against King George III, justifying the independence of the United States, and furthermore, explained that everyone is endowed with certain unalienable human rights, most specifically those of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Our freedom was worth fighting for, and all Americans, especially entrepreneurs that started their own small businesses such as ourselves here at KikScore, should be thankful to still have all of the liberties that we were promised in that document. Without our freedom, no small businesses could be in existence; instead, we are allowed to pursue our dreams and make them come true. For small businesses, it is just a matter of taking the risk of beginning a start-up and then putting in the time and effort to make it succeed and prosper.

Have a great Independence Day weekend, enjoy the fireworks, and celebrate your pursuit of entrepreneurial happiness!

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