Kikscore Interviews World of Toy Car's Mike Miller on Selling Online
March 15th, 2010 | Interviews,KikScore & KikReport,Small Business | 2 Comments »I came across Mike Miller from the World of Toy Cars on Twitter a few months ago. The World of Toys Cars (WOTC) is an online store that focuses on diecast vehicles and vintage toys. Its a car and toy collector’s paradise and Mike has some really amazing models including NASCAR, motorcycles, Hot Wheels and aircraft just to name a few. In this post, KikScore sits down with Mike so that he can tell our community his small business story and more about his very cool website.
1. Tell us about WOTC and who you focuses on serving?
World of Toy Cars was created in such a fashion that collectors can easily find specific toy cars. Most collectors are always looking for specific models, either Volkswagons, Corvettes, trucks or maybe just Police Cars…but each collector is defined by something they like. There are always collectors that just collect Matchbox,..or just Hot Wheels,..but again, the ones they cant find in stores, they have to revert to the second market like eBay or sites such World of Toy Cars.
2. How did you get your started selling online?
I started selling online back in 1998, when eBay was just getting started. I was listing items with no pictures, and selling usually all the time. The client base was new and wanting items. I soon learned the art of pictures, uploading, taught myself HTLM, and created eye catching auctions which drastically improved my results.
3. Where will WOTC focus most of its energy in 2010?
WOTC will continue bringing new and exciting models to the online community. The task of documenting each item, photographing, and creating each listing individually is exhausting. Its also something that can only be done by myself, as condition of the card or package, the item itself, are there variations, year, where it was made, and the rarity (value) of the complete item is Critical.
4. If you had 2 lessons learned from your business that you could pass on to others about selling online, what are those?
Two very simple things that MUST be done if you want to sell online. You must spell correctly! And you must have perfect pictures. Both those things tell everything about a seller, and yet the buyer has hardly seen your stuff. Once a buyer detects bad spelling, or blurry pictures, they are GONE.
5. As 2010 starts, what do you see as 2 new trends in your business this year?
The ever changing search engine optimization. This is critical again in the online world, and Google who basically controls the strings here, is always updating…so you as a seller must update also. The second is not really a trend, but its opening up, is worldwide shipping. People must get onboard with shipping globally if they want to be successful. More and more information is available now about different countries and their guidelines. People must educate themselves and grab those open markets.
6. If WOTC could have a dream spokesperson for your company who would it be and why?
It would have to be someone with a sense of humor, people relate and remember when they are made to laugh!
7. How do the folks at WOTC let loose after a busy day working?
Usually a good meal, and then out to check stores to find new and fun toys!!
8. Do you have any parting thoughts for our readers and the small business community?
If you want to succeed on the WWW, you must learn to ship worldwide. You have the whole world at your doorstep, looking at your items, and your telling most of them to go away because you dont like where they live. Imagine if stores or restaurants did that!! I have been shipping all over the world for 12 years now, I communicate to everybody in their own language with Google translate, and international sales account fo over 50% of my business.
The other thing I have noticed is many sellers have tons of rules to deter business. I have had people refuse to sell to me simply because they dont want to go to the USPS, or the forms are too lengthy to fill out, so they cancel my purchase. Why are you even selling things? That baffles me…you want to sell…make it easy to buy…it happens, it works…so do it!
KikScore would like to thank Mike for this interview. If you have questions for Mike, leave them in the comments section below and we will make sure they get answered.
Nascar rules! I just wish that Dale was doing better this year.
Thanks… good discussion. Appreciate the info.